Awakening Zen Heart

​Learning to Live with Mindfulness and Compassion

The Santa Rosa Zen Group offers a supportive community for people to gently explore what it takes to learn to be present with mindfulness and compassion. Emphasis is on expanding awareness and waking up from the self-centered dream we all live in. The primary tool is meditation, but almost equal emphasis is given to finding clarity and equanimity within the high-speed confusion of everyday life experiences.

Practice Cornerstones


SRZG is a warm and welcoming meditation community that encourages new students of all ages, orientation, and backgrounds to explore and join our practice community (sangha). For first-timers it is helpful to email us of your intent to join in on a Wednesday or Sunday sitting so someone will be available to give you a brief orientation and basic meditation instruction. 

New students are encouraged to explore practice for a few weeks and may participate without paying membership dues. Donations are welcome. It is helpful to meet with the teacher for Daisan (a personal interview) for practice instruction and guidance. This can be arranged during a Sunday sitting or by appointment.