
“In order to awaken the heart of compassion we must observe the place where we disconnect from our ability to be kind, so we can see clearly the difference between our ideals and the reality of  wrestling daily with anger, blame, and judgment of self and others…”  Diane Moore

The Santa Rosa Zen Group holds several retreats throughout the year. Most programs include:

If you are interested in attending one, please email us at for more information. 

2025 In-Person Sittings & Sesshins
All gatherings are in Kenwood except where indicated

January 12 In-Person Daylong

9:00 am 4:00 pm

Registration open now

March 30 In-Person Daylong

9:00 am 4:00 pm

May 2-4 Sesshin In-Person Only
Friday 6:00 pm to Sunday 4:00 pm

June 29 Daylong Sitting in Nature In-Person

9:00 am 4:00 pm
Sugarloaf Ridge State Park

July 31 – August 3 Sesshin in Carmel

Thursday 6:00 pm to Sunday 4:00 pm

Shared Sesshin with Meadowmind Ordinary Zen and
Bay Zen Center

August 31 Work Practice

Time and place TBD

September 1922 Sesshin In-Person Only
Friday 6:00 pm to Monday 4:00 pm

October 19 Remote Daylong
9:00 am 4:00 pm

November 23 Daylong
9:00 am 4:00 pm